Lessons from the Real World 3: Applying Business Examples to Opportunity Development

NOTE: This post is the third and final in a series of three posts expanding on ideas in a recent webinar I conducted for the APMP California chapter with the same title.

Be Known for Something

When you are known for something, you create a better connection with the customer and increase satisfaction. Companies look to build solid reputations based on an area of expertise. Many companies have great reputations based on what they do well. For example, Honda makes a lot of products, including cars, trucks, lawn mowers, and more. But if you ask Honda, they really want to be known for high-quality engines. Continue Reading →

How Humanities Graduates Excel at Communications

In anticipation of the release of my upcoming book The Well-Rounded Professional: Translating Humanities Skills to Career Success, I am writing blog posts about four of the critical skills developed in a humanities education. This week, I look at what might be the most obvious skill: written and verbal communications.

One of the constants in a humanities education is you have to read, write, and speak. A lot. Humanists have to be able to communicate effectively in order to graduate. Across the spectrum, from history to the languages, students need to be able to clearly structure and articulate an argument that convinces others. For English majors, the entire focus of their education is to be able to communicate and know how to use the written word clearly (and/or studying the ways in which others have successfully used the English language to the benefit of others). In history, students need to construct a sound argument and defend it.

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Lessons from the Real World 1: Applying Business Examples to Opportunity Development

NOTE: This post is the first in a series of three posts expanding on ideas in a recent webinar I conducted for the APMP California chapter with the same title.

Many people working in proposals think proposal development has little if anything in common with other professions. How often, for example, do you feel at a loss trying to explain your job? I know when people ask me what I do, I always struggle for a simple, easily understood answer. I usually end up saying I help companies try to win business with the Government, which usually generates a response of, “oh, so you’re in sales” (which is another post altogether!).

Despite the unique challenges every proposal professional faces, the good news is we are not alone. Most fields have aspects that outsiders cannot understand. However, this does not mean we should lock ourselves in a bubble. There is much we can learn from other industries and other professions.

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Being a Well Rounded Professional

As many of you know, I have a non-traditional background for someone engaged in senior management in business. When people find out that I have a PhD in history, they respond with either (or both) of the following reactions:

  • ‘That is so cool!’
  • ‘How did you get into this work?’

Several years ago, I got tired of answering the second question so often. So I wrote an article for the regional chapter of the Association of Proposal Management Professionals, the professional organization for my career. Entitled ‘From Historian to Proposal Professional,’ it detailed how I applied what I learned in academia to being successful in my job.

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Lessons from the Real World – Webinar Notes

On 30 August I had the pleasure of delivering a webinar for the APMP California chapter entitled, “Lessons from the Real World: Applying Business Examples to Opportunity Development.” I plan to write a couple of blog posts later in September that detail what I presented. Those posts will build on the main theme – that capture and proposal professionals can learn from a wide range of industries and business leaders to improve how we do our job. Below, I provide some links to things discussed in the presentation.

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Facts Myths Sign

Shattering Proposal Myths: Myth 5 – Anyone Can Run a Proposal Effort

Scenario 1: The Government releases an opportunity worth about $5m annually. It aligns directly with Government Contractor ABC’s core work. With annual revenue of $70 million, senior management considers submitting a bid. They have a single proposal manager in the organization, and she is involved in two live bids. Senior management decides to bid, but elects to have a junior PM from the line organization run the opportunity.

Scenario 2: A small business, Company XYZ, draws about $15m annually in revenue from Government contracts. An opportunity worth $10M annually is released. Winning this bid would dramatically transform the company, but it requires a lot of work. The submission consists of 3 volumes and about 200 pages of content. The Senior Growth Leader, who has worked on proposals but never led one, decides he can take on managing the bid.

Most proposal professionals encounter these scenarios in their careers. It’s part of a wider (albeit diminishing) perspective that proposal development is simply a function and not a specialization. So what are the ramifications of this perspective? And, more importantly, how can proposal professionals overcome such narrow mindsets?

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Building from a Solid Foundation – Additional Information

First, I want to thank everyone who attended my webinar, presented by APMP-NCA, on 9 May. I really enjoyed the experience, and hope the attendees got relevant, actionable guidance out of it.

I am putting together this post to be “show notes” for the webinar, and to answer the questions from the attendees that we did not have time to address.

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SPAC 2017 a success!

I really enjoyed attending SPAC 2017. The entire conference was a great success. There were a number of engaging, informative speakers, and I know I came away with a lot of “a ha” ideas that I cannot wait to implement on my upcoming bids.

It was a lot of fun speaking at the conference as well. I really thank all of you who stayed through the afternoon to see me as one of the two final speakers. It was a fun group to speak in front of, and I hope you got something out of the talk.

Thanks to those of you who came up to me afterwards as well and complemented me on the talk. It can be difficult to know if these talks have value to those who attend – by coming up to me afterwards, you made me feel the time preparing was well spent!

Hope to see you at SPAC 21!


Shattering Proposal Myths: Number Three – “I Know What the Client Wants!”

Facts Myths Sign

Overcoming proposal myths, one at a time!

Proposal development continues to suffer from several key misperceptions from people both inside and outside Government contracting. This post is the third in a series that will seek to dispel these myths and, in the end, shed light on what we do and how we do it most successfully. Continue Reading →